If I look back now at my life, then it did seem
like behavior/problems were bubbling up in different ways, while at the same
time I wasn't totally useless. I was able to cope, keep some friends, and be
involved in relationships. There lies the problem if it doesn’t
affect you enough to make you want/need a change then it all seems fine. But
various times in my life I would look at others, and wonder why they seemed to
have an almost carefree life, and things came up rosy more often for them. Sometimes it
is just a one-sided perception, but other times it is spot on with its ability
to show you that something is not quite right in your life.
There is also the reason that once I had been exposed to the brightness of someone who has a successful life made better by a
holotrophic breathwork session. He also gave me my first one to try as a gift.
And my second session last Sunday, was definitely a birth trauma leading to
rebirth. It seems to follow going back in time from my first session to trapped
feelings surrounding my birth. Most babies don’t want to leave the womb and so
begins maybe the first fear one encounters. You don’t remember it, but your
body stores it. Now, of course I will never really know if my session was rebirth or not,
but as an intelligent perceptive person it did seem very close. A black hole
surrounded by golden light, and I encountered a fear where I was flipping my head
left and right, and broke into a scream/cry, “NO” while crunching up into a
ball for quite a long time. Later, it subsided into a sense of forgiveness for
me, and others. Then as the music got more peaceful, morphed into a
resurrection of sorts, a heart opening. It was resolved in its own way, and has left me exhausted for
a few days. Emotionally drained, but not in a bad way. I do feel calmer, and
able to let things go easier.
One might say he made this all up to conquer
it, or it was never really a rebirth just symbols of what I might be holding on
to that needed a release. (Perhaps it was my near death or the insertion of stomach
tube?) That the body only replayed something that it is familiar with or the
active mind made up, but time will show me the scope of change brought on by
whatever this experience was. Subsequently, after these last two sessions my dreams are current time wise, meaning, I think that I am not going over childhood fears or traumas and I even said my current age in one a few nights ago. My dreams have also included a new conscious awareness of absurdness of them when I am dreaming which then takes me out of them calmly.
My intention was to make myself as well
adjusted as I can be, so that my partner will sense a greater stability with all the
change he will encounter that is outside of us. So that in our home, he won’t
feel like a stranger with less of my unresolved body sensations that could
percolate out with our marriage. It was never a perfect world, and he has had a
difficult time himself, and I don’t need to add to it.