22 July, 2007

Up Early

I may be a little bit tired after getting an early morning phone call from my partner telling me his AMX card was declined. This is even after he has been using it for two years and the balance is 0. I called them earlier in the week and they said it was fine. He asked me to call for him. I had to call them again at 6 am on a Saturday and verify my past addresses for twenty years for them to release his card. No explanation as to why. I did make the best of this so we continued and got caught up, ending our conversation on a happy note.

It has been brought to my attention through the news that China’s products have little or no standards. If a US company like Walmart wants the bid for food or charm bracelets lower they will make it cheaper at whatever the cost. So a few people or pets die ...so what! Charms with lead in them at almost 92 times the maximum set by the CPSC(Consumer Product Safety Commission). At least they got them at a lower cost and can pass it on to the stockholders. USDA is being understaffed just so that food gets imported, and they can say honestly that they missed it. I have also heard of cheap Garlic dumped here at lower prices than it costs to produce in China. This is quietly putting our farmers out of business, and do you think our government will protect you? Or maybe Gay marriage will out scream your pet death. We might be a bit naïve to assign absurd values to threats that are put in place by the same folks that brought us the Iraq war (known on your news politely as “Iraq Conflict”).
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