20 December, 2012
18 December, 2012
When the Pigeons Come Home
29 November, 2012
Do Waves of Emotion Define your Existence?

Certainly, where I am now, only makes it more pronounced. Going “home” will not make it right, so that is not an option, as long as this where love is. If I at anytime do meditation I can easily relax out of with the real physical awareness that there is no “I” to please. In fact those waves subside quickly, amazingly so, even not being quenched and it all feels like a natural process. If I, in fact, can bring this into daily existence, knowing that I can never really arrange life to suit my emotions…I will arrive totally into my being(or be present). Talking to myself, “Let’s Evolve,” by not needing to bend my day around my emotions….eating, exercising, doing, not doing, ignoring, avoiding, etc. Dive in and examine each emotion as it appears and I think I will be surprised that there is nothing to them, besides natural bodily occurrences.

Loi Kratong,
25 November, 2012
Naive Blog Motivations?
When I started this blog, it was based on the idea that I had something to share. One, to give my partner an idea of what my motivations are. Two, was to help others find their way, and that it can be done even if one encounters the unthinkable with their health, and the deck of cards they are dealt. Like... just look at me, if this sad sack can take the ball and roll with it, you can too. It just takes a lot of self reflection in meditation and try what you never tried before...along the lines that if all else fails, get up and keep walking...towards wisdom, of course.
Well, my partner loves me and really has no reason to read this now or later, when I am gone, he lives by pure intention and the right now. He has no doubts. And others, my guess, either say “good for you” or “that's interesting” and go about their lives. No one will attempt any change until they have exhausted every option. At one's own time and direction.
At the same time I have slowed down on taking photos with a reminder I saw last year. I went to a house estate sale of a man who died alone, he was a tour agent and took many upper income ladies on exotic trips. His nice photos lay in boxes to be disposed of, and some young “queen” was picking through a few to find the outrageous 60's looks to hang at home in a campy display of past chic. In other words our past has no value, really except to motivate positive change.
Well, my partner loves me and really has no reason to read this now or later, when I am gone, he lives by pure intention and the right now. He has no doubts. And others, my guess, either say “good for you” or “that's interesting” and go about their lives. No one will attempt any change until they have exhausted every option. At one's own time and direction.
At the same time I have slowed down on taking photos with a reminder I saw last year. I went to a house estate sale of a man who died alone, he was a tour agent and took many upper income ladies on exotic trips. His nice photos lay in boxes to be disposed of, and some young “queen” was picking through a few to find the outrageous 60's looks to hang at home in a campy display of past chic. In other words our past has no value, really except to motivate positive change.
"Meditate, meditate, let go of all those things
you have been doing for so long,
stop doing them and meditate!"
He(Bhuddha) wants to encourage and teach others, also.
But if you go and do that,
you destroy your meditation.
Don't stop to go and teach. Just continue your practice.
Don't encourage other people. You can do that later.
But it is very hard not to that;
it is very hard to resist.
— Fourth Insight, A Map of the Journey,
talks by Sayadaw U Jotika
Sayadaw U Jotika
06 November, 2012
Can You Know Enough to Stop Dying?
“You can only rise as high as your self-esteem”
— Sayadaw U Jotika
Apparently, aspiring for comfort takes all your energy. It slowly became obvious that I desired wisdom out of some kind of payback for suffering and my upcoming death. But who is dying? We all are, there was never an I to be worried about. It was all part of the package.
This Burmese Super Man agreed to let me photograph him, only because he was wise enough not to care ...a non-issue. Make your suffering as elegant as his appears, and you'll inspire many without even knowing it. I bow to him and all those wiser than I.
Any thoughts about your death?
05 November, 2012
Where Love Shines Through
I had just returned from a quick trip to Myanmar when I became ill from food poisoning. I had given a new Dhamma friend I met there my drugs that I had bought for this, knowing he had further travels, and will probably need them. Luckily it hit me when I got back, when my partner and I were on the way to get him his favorite pie. We had to grab a fast taxi back home to avoid puking on the subway, where I then collapsed for 36 hours to sleep. He would wake me to eat Jok(fish and rice porridge) that he made and take pills. He dropped everything to make sure I get better, even holding me. It was only another confirmation of why we are still together after all these years.
Earlier in the day, my first trip out was to complete the mission to bring him home the pie he likes. On the way out, I went to buy cookies to give away randomly, and the store owner said, “Oh, here is 20 B you lost last week when you here,” handing it to me. I guess it was pay back from the small purse that I found here in Bangkok at a fruit vendor and gave back to the woman who I correctly guessed had dropped it. The look on her face was similar to mine, today.
Tonight, when my partner and I did a Pali prayer before bed, we burst out laughing, tears coming down our faces from a joke we shared. Love can be that simple.
28 October, 2012
Misery 101
09 October, 2012
Two Slices of Pie
It is evening, I stare out the window of the plane and I catch
my reflection since the cabin lights were on. I look thin and ragged, and I can
see the homemade bib I have on to absorb the drool because it is white. It ain't pretty, but it is something, so I laugh. I
recall being confused the first week of rehab as to why do I drool a lot more. What really happened? No one really told me thinking I would give up on the spot, I guess. But, they don't really know me. We “stole” the towels from the hospital, when the Dr. frowned at me walking around drooling by the front desk. Putting two holes in them and used
a shoelace to tie it on, making several. It served a dual purpose, I could tie my stomach tube
to it to keep it high, so I don’t lose all my precious liquid “dinner” on the
road. Am no longer embarrassed wearing it. I have lost 30 lbs in a way I could never imagine, and I am
coming home from the hospital. My partner, at the time, will pick my brother
and I up from the airport. It feels very awkward, knowing that my brother needs
on get on with his life. My whole world has been turned upside down, and we know time moves forward whether you are on board or not.... it has now been 8 weeks and I still can’t talk or even eat. Walking sort of Charlie Chaplin like, hitting things with my left side. Luckily, I can't feel it.
A limo driver is
waiting for us, and I am so embarrassed. Is it because I look like hell? No, It is more about the waste of money. The same money that I gave him and is never worth it but my partner arranged for this. I should be happy it is done out of love, but it reminded me of being nursed to death. It points to what is wrong in our relationship, and this seems a continuation of drama of us seeing the world in different ways. But I can’t even
pop the champagne they had in the car. I did not know yet, that I could pour
alcohol down my stomach tube …that would
come later. I would have been happier just grabbing a bus and rail back
home, it would feel like more progress.
Ten years pass…
A jet is landing in Bangkok, raining like hell, lightening seen
through the streaked windows with the landing gear lights on, we are landing after
an exciting three weeks in Sri Lanka. This is our second trip. My life partner and I are talking about what we
liked this trip, trying to gloss over the fact that I will continue on upon
landing, parting yet again. Luckily we don’t cry when we kiss and say goodbye in private,
knowing polite Thai society. Our “honeymoon” was
in Hong Kong, two years previously and it had really cemented our relationship. I am just beginning to learn from him. We
were working towards common goals, even separated by a huge ocean. That was his first international flight, to
start to fill his passport with stamps. He so wisely applied for it just before we met solely with dreams
of travel. The plane is almost ready to touch ground when suddenly it is
jerked severely up to the sky again in what feels like 30°, warning announcements are heard on the PA and we are close enough to
hear the cockpit warning beeps. This is bad, too many factors are involved. Worriedly, my partner looks at me with which is unlike him, and I reassure him that
this is normal procedure and probably a plane was on our landing strip. I am
trying to hide my fear to make him feel better, but this rapid ascent is way
beyond anything I have ever experienced. The passengers are all quiet, but if they
would scream we would hardly hear them as the engine sounds are so deafening. Thinking,
we might die now, and never have to say goodbye. That’s a plus…. and then the plane
banks left and levels out. I exhale and think, not yet...we had plans.
29 September, 2012
I Can Breathe, Again
I tried mediating after we came back from a film, my partner
had crashed, saying wake me in 10 minutes to run. The AC was blasting and I
settled in on my pillow on the floor, setting my alarm for an hour. Watching my
breath, and with-in 5 minutes I could feel the hair on my arm stand up. Was it
because of awareness or some follow-through from the movie we saw that touched
my heart? Earlier, I lost my
breath with the emotions I felt, but was rudely assaulted by the heat and sun
of day after the theatre. Weaving through busy traffic we took off to find
someplace to have lunch. I put my finger to my heart, it is right there, noting. I
wanted to sit down and cry, so inappropriate for where I was. I am stumbling, he says, “watch out,”
cars are coming from everywhere yet no one beeps, and 5 kids all less than 6 years old are playing in pond within a half a meter by railroad
tracks right our feet. The guards on rail
crossing come down and we stop for the train, just in time for me to get my
breath. I don't hear the warning sound, but can see the red blinking lights. The kids don’t register us being right beside them, am I alive? I look
at the passengers in the train as it goes by, and they don’t connect with me
either. Where are they going? I attempt to smile, but the heat is unraveling me.
I turn off the A/C, it was getting too cold for me, and I
wanted to hear him breathe. He awakens, glances at his watch, and moans but
loving his nap he just throws back the covers as the heat re-enters the room, and mentally dives back in. I’m
awake right now, with the hall sounds of packing and cleaning of another apt,
but done in polite manner. It is quiet, and dark with the sun already packed up and I want this moment to
last. He breathes peacefully, piano music is playing softly by Einuadi. So it
seems foolish to join him in sleep, when I feel the love we share. He can sleep
as long as he needs. He needs to unload yesterday. When his cell phone
chimes a cute Isan tune, he just rolls over and puts his arm on my chest. Two hours later, he wakes up and says, "When you go to Myanmar for a month, I'll be so lonely," giving me a squeeze.
25 September, 2012
38 Days of Brain Surgery in 2012
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Now, they have figured that the brain will connect way faster, so that in about two years I will be able to speak better as tones and word finding will all interweave again. Great, I’m using my suffering for science, finally. And if you believe all this, then I have swamp land in Florida to sell you before most of it is victim of global warming, but really it is not far from the electrical rewiring they are trying to do now to connect dead areas and get people back to walking faster. Actually, the 38 days of the brain surgery was in 7 months this year of silent meditation in 3 ten-day increments, and one eight-day course. All of these are 10.5 – 11 hours of meditation per day, with noble silence. No other work besides watching sensations and managing mental and physical pain which comes from sitting not moving in one hour increments, three separate hours per day. Seven and half of those hours were spent in cells providing a faster download of the self-created misery of how one spins. Now that is where the real brain surgery begins to get back out of the hole one digs for oneself.
The beginning of this year I would never have thought to
do this but as I completed my second Vipassana 10-day course in Feburary, I
could begin to see the unraveling of the misery I formally based on exterior
circumstances that I have encountered in life. Often supplemented by downloading in vivid
dreams. This past 10-days in Thailand, I got a real taste of my own self-defeating
wizardry with the bodily pain created when I was short a pillow to lift me
higher in meditation. Usually a simple fix, but the pillows were all taken
early on by the others, mostly Thai’s. I would not ask them to give any up, as that would be unheard of. My problems were not apparent in the first 6 days. The first
two days I was just kind of tired, but that balanced out fast, and with the
luck of the nearly constant rain that kept the heat down. I was moving into
subtle sensations, both in the hall and in my cell, when day 7 in the hall, I
could feel pain in my right knee and hamstring as my single foam pillow they
use that would sink down with time under my weight. This was during the 1 hour
when you can’t move, which you do three times a day. I knew it was because of
the lack of a bit more height to elevate my hips above my knees that it started
the pain. I could avoid this in
the cell by sitting on the edge of the large pillow and puttting my folded legs
on the chilled terrazo floor. Very few Thai’s would use the cells with their
fear of ghosts, and the bats that cleaned the halls of bugs.
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Dhamma Kamala |
brain surgery,
10 September, 2012
Do We Really Have a Choice?

04 September, 2012
Here, I am NOT
I fell asleep in the afternoon, waking when my partner knocked at the door with dinner in hand, although he has keys. My dreams were crazy and I was disoriented( no pun, intended), working hard at trying to figure where I am. I was moving to open the door but the dreams had not quite subsided. The mind said you are awake now, but my subconscious was deeply attached to the dreams. The body was still asleep on the bed. It was not like waking after my coma, which is more like a fade-in. It just felt like I needed cold water splashed on my face.
When the body settled in from the jet lag, I felt the distinct feeling that I never left when walking around. A whole lot has happened in the time I was away that helped to drop the torment I placed UPon myself. I capped “up” because it is felt as concrete mental doing that I unraveled some. When my partner quizzed me about why I looked younger this time. Even though I eat well, with green shakes in the morning, I replied, it is primarily meditation and yoga that facilitated a little bit more of letting go. This is turn, gives way to a bigger smile, and an overall relaxation in the body. Who knew a willingness to die could be so delightful? I look forward to my ten day Vipassana here so he can see the effects first hand upon returning and mind settling. We made shake and tapping our glasses together, saluting to our health.
The first day out, I was out in a store when two young men and I both approached a check out counter, and they stepped aside, to let me go ahead in line. I smiled and motioned go ahead, thinking that the kindness needs to rewarded on the spot. I am nothing. This Thai etiquette has a long history taught by parents to their children, that elders go first, in more ways than one. We have less time left.
27 August, 2012
Introduce Enthusiasm when Difficulties Arise
dedicated to Moher, who with her humorous style — laughed all the way until she passed last May |
Seen on Bentinho Massaro's T-shirt:
"I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death."
23 August, 2012
When Laughter is the Only Thing Reasonable
I was crazy with how the mind wants to figure it all out and pack, just before I leave home to see my partner. Separated by laws, legal definitions and a huge ocean, but not commitment and love.
I biked to yoga, and in the parking garage where I lock up, I saw a man in his car. The car was running in the garage, and the exhaust was pointed right at the attendant at his desk in less than 5 feet away. I looked at the driver and motioned to turn it off, while locking up. He chose to ignore me, so when I finished, I went to the car, and he rolled down his window, and having ear phones on and talking on the phone, he pretended not to hear me or understand. It is funny when people play dumb, even when you point at the man trying to breathe and motion to make it clear, they tend to get more defensive. Taking off his earphones finally, he called me, "Nosey!" as I became the problem. I talked with the guard when I returned and the man apologized to him, and he said thank you to me.
Here is a little laughter exercise to clear out the carbon monoxide in your brain.
Here is a little laughter exercise to clear out the carbon monoxide in your brain.
Dr. Madan Kataria,
Fabian Cordua,
11 August, 2012
Rushing into Being
I know when I start to spin on all I need to do, and I
get less and less efficient. It is time to get back into my body. So, when
a friend agreed to go to the country for a drive I suggested the night before, I leap at it the opportunity, dropping everything for the day. I immediately felt relief
with this distraction to breathe some more space into life. I really needed to sit with myself in nature as opposed
to in my house, which will soon not be, and just see what was coming up. I know
deep down one never gets it all done, and I am kind of waiting for that big
sign that this is it and I can finally just rock
with it. We drove to an area not far from us, but one he had never been to. I
could experience his relief upon seeing beauty that he forgot was out there
when one gets so trapped in their thoughts. We drove for quite a while to an
unused park in the middle of nowhere and I just settled in for an hour of
meditation and silence, knowing that a nap would just be escapist. With birds
and a rabbit around, and a warm wind blowing to cool the psyche it was easy to
sit with myself. I laughed, because the area which I have liked for years, now
seems like it wants me here and now my mind wants to figure out how to have a
piece of it. 
Find some stability in a world and life that never has any.
Sensual pleasures do have their hook, but it is about avoiding what is
currently present in the mind. After my hour meditation I talked with my friend about
the fact that whenever I get so involved in life, spinning and being busy the
more I lean towards meditation and the wisdom that comes from it. It is not the answer, I am the answer.
02 August, 2012
Act Like How You Want to Feel
For the longest time, I used to think that positive upbeat people were the product of good parenting, extra cash, or born on the right day. What was I missing? Whatever it was, I did not have it. Looking in all the wrong places for so many years, and it was right in front of me. Just look in the mirror and smile ....taking yourself too seriously puts off a negative vibe. I thought that I had a great excuse why not, since I've had two strokes leaving me with facial weakness and numbness. Bullshit! Even smiling with a kooky, crooked smile is infectious and immediately relaxes others and they will laugh with you....and not at you. Give it up and go over to a mirror and smile, we are all soon dead and it is so hard to smile with a mouthful of dirt.
A by-product of relaxing the self, is one carries less tension in their body. Today in yoga class, I smiled at myself(not out of pride) and whenever I slipped from a pose laughed. After class finished, a woman came up to me who is constantly negative, smiling and said her new nickname for me is "rubber band man." That was a change for her, so it helps others.
Creating Happiness,
26 July, 2012
Sometimes it's good to give up the driver's seat
I understand his point, but my best recovery was done when I chose to be the “decider.” Now, maybe it is all a delusion, that once I chose to survive, the outcome was a natural progression with my new found mental state. When, on occasion, people say to me they could not have one what I did, I say but you would do the same. I think they under-estimate the will to survive, and that giving up leaves nothing to be desired (only but a few realized Buddhas have let go of desire), and is a let-down for those around you who spend long and difficult days praying for you to live.
So, is there really a choice at all?
Baba Shiv
23 July, 2012
No One Asked for My Opinion
I felt it is about time to apologize... to everyone I have
thrown my opinion out at warp speed, never giving him or her the chance to duck.
I caught myself, early today with someone, and it was never burped up.....the miracle of consciousness. This provided
the almost instant feedback of making the other person happier, because I
approached the day with joy with the idea of spreading joy instead of smearing them with one
of my opinions ( cleverly disguised negativity, NOT ). I took it further all
day, to set aside my happiness for others all day…the self took a back seat, if it just a bit at first. This will take vigilance to be
aware and continue. This was born out of years of meditation...a hint of the wisdom that lies dormant inside of us. The feedback with strangers was pleasant and connected, they felt my intention...yup, I am a slow learner. Far more strangers engaged with me...Bingo! I had the key, but misplaced it for so many years.
All harmful acts, words and thoughts, ever committed by
me since of old…on account of beginning-less greed, anger and ignorance… born
of my body, speech and mind… Now, I atone for them all.
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"wisdom grows" Wat Pak Nam |
spreading joy
13 July, 2012
Pointing Upward

In my home-office in an older 30’s building in classic Spanish
style. It has open stairs to the roof, totally open to the sky with pillars
about 8 ft high all around to shade some of the sun. In one corner of this roof
deck shoots a Moorish minerat.

I get to the roof, and say with a curiously sweet face, “Now, why would like to destroy my old building, exactly?” I walk casually
towards him and put out my hand. He is already confused by my reaction and
stops banging, and I walk closer even though I see he is carrying a gun with
his nice cameras. He softens enough that upon touching his hand, all stream has
blown out of his idea. I say, put your hand on my chest to know I am a
breathing human being just like you. He reaches out, and I have already touched
his shoulder. Although bigger than I am, he is blond and slightly sweating and
feels warm to touch. I defused the whole situation by not meeting his anger
with anger. He did not really know it was my building. I get a close look at
his gun and nice cameras, and compliment him on his good taste in cameras, as I
walk him across the roof and down towards my steps off the roof. But then I
notice, all these framed photos I took years ago, laid out on the roof deck,
like a gallery display. I say, this is curious in my head, while moving a few
aside, not to step on them. I look at the man with a slightly surprised face,
and can see he can provide no answers, either.
A little aside, if I die or any else close to you dies in your presence — tap three times firmly on the third eye(between the eye brow) to help mine or their spirit leave their body, instead of lingering around.
12 July, 2012
"Radhe Radhe" Signals Peace
When I noticed myself spinning in agitation, I got back on the cushion 2 hours a day. One hour before dawn, and one after early dinner. In talking to my partner, he told me not to ordain again. I can be a lay in white with 8 precepts, but as his partner he feels that we will never stop thinking about one another and being a monk is a move away from us. It was nice to hear why he was so firm about this, "I am still waiting to marry you." He has brought me much more joy and wisdom, and no heartache. The miracle spoke.
Prajna Vieira
27 June, 2012
In Silence, Do We Really Exist?

Jac O'Keeffe,
13 June, 2012
Oh, What a Feeling!
In observation, I find myself directing thoughts to get a feeling. Subtly, it may be done to establish the fact I am alive, because without a feeling we are living unaffected. Living in awareness and not in experience can feel like a withdrawal, but only when you hooked on feelings. We don’t realize it when we will create an averse reaction to something in the world just to sample a bad feeling and then quickly jump to solving a problem, grabbing some food, or if we are lucky a run in the park. I look at my old habits of trying to fix, straighten or get something completed just for a good feeling. It leaves one running from thought to thought without realizing it is never all done. Thoughts give birth to more thoughts. Self-created anxiety for me was most likely developed as a kid in the chaos of alcoholism in my family. I do find most people are hooked on a feeling, regardless of the cause, hence why obesity and alcoholism is so prevalent. It is really not the food or the drink, but the feeling they desire. And when one knows deep down that to feel good can’t be found in things outside your self, they are much likely to spiral into depression, as bad feelings have so much more of a long lasting kick. Good feelings need to have bigger and grander objects of source to get overcome the bad feelings. Bad feelings can be a simple as “Not knowing” what is next in life. I often reflect on what has come so far, and it is not over yet. I have tried to learn better ways to handle myself, often inspired when exhaustion sets in after repeated unskillful actions. Wisdom for me, enters in the back door, more as the last thing left!
What to do? Well, meditation brought those
realities to the foreground. When I am resting in awareness while meditating
and not labeling as good or bad, a natural peace flows from within. It is not ‘peace’
as another feel good object to grasp, but really relaxation into what is going
on right at this minute and being ok with it. Now to carry this relaxation in being into daily life,
because it is me on that cushion at 5am, and it’s me... always, just a little bit

“....Without knowing yourself,
there is no peace.
— J. Krishnamurti
That is why I am going to an 8-day Meditation with a focus on the Satipatthana Sutta teachings.
“....Without knowing yourself,
there is no peace.
— J. Krishnamurti
That is why I am going to an 8-day Meditation with a focus on the Satipatthana Sutta teachings.
not knowing
09 June, 2012
Wisdom comes Quicker without Liquor
The fifth precept:
I undertake the training rule
to abstain from fermented drink that causes heedlessness.
I undertake the training rule
to abstain from fermented drink that causes heedlessness.
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Wak Saket Prep for New Year's 2555 |
I continued requesting precepts at temple with the Nuns at home,
which is done after prayers and meditation, so I finally listened to myself. If I
request the precepts then I must want to live by them. Don't I? I love red wine,
and feel it was such an important part of who I am. I keep wanting some
positive, I thought, a remainder of my life pre-brain injury. I realized that I
was clinging still to my old self.
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My kuti at Thai Temple Nov, 2554 |
You know it is actually liberating to walk past the wine in stores, knowing that is one less thing to look towards for any source of happiness. Just having a half-open bottle of nice red-wine that you can't throw out, means you are obligated to have it the following evening, and thus making it more difficult to do an evening meditation. When you are out shopping, it also becomes a focus of what next to buy. It all became very transparent that all the wine desires pushed me to wanting a new experience each time. I could not rest in awareness or taste the peace of just being. That is a huge relief not to be bothered with in thought and desire, and I now feel the peace that I was actually looking for by drinking.
Relaxing at the beautiful Shwedagon Paya, Jan. 2555 |

Buddhist Nuns,
Phra Apisit,
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